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Blog #1

Ultrasonic 3-D printed robot - powered by Arduino and motor shield.

The Inspire bot is an autonomous robot designed to move forward and change direction when faced with an obstacle in its path. This body of the robot was manufactured using a 3-D printer and is controlled by programming ‘C’ on an Arduino microprocessor.

The Inspire Bot uses twin motors connected to a motor shield and Arduino. The Arduino acts as a 'brain' giving out commands based on what is programmed. (Using C language.)

The robot also uses an ultrasonic sensor positioned on the front end of the Inspire bot. This sensor sends out ultrasonic pulses of sound inaudible to the human ear. When these pulses hit an object, an echo is sent back and the sensor receives this. The sensor is designed to measure the ‘time’ it takes from Step 1, (Pulse is sent) To Step 2, (Echo of pulse is received). This can be compared to the echolocation of bats and how they use sounds to navigate.

Based on the inputs of the ultrasonic sensor, the motors will turn backward, left, right, and forward accordingly to what has been programmed. Below is a video demonstration.

Later, this week I will be posting a technical lab report which will break down the details of this fun project. I hope to post beginner tutorials so hopefully anyone can be able to design their own robots for fun.

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